We've finally done it. We've bitten the bullet, grasped the nettle, crossed the Rubicon (okay, okay! I did use the synonym finder!). We've gone and bought ourselves a home!
There goes our D.I.N.K. (double income, no kids) lifestyle. Let's face it, owning your home and tending to it is like having a baby in the family. That said, it brings you tremendous joy and pride, and right now, we (I take the liberty to speak for Dot) are over the moon! The process has not been without its hiccups and I look back and think of the many times we wondered whether it was worth all the aggravation, but I think I can safely say yes, it is absolutely worth it!
We move this weekend and there are a million things going on.
This is what the general landscape of our current home looks like:

Okay, may be it's not all this neat, but you get the idea.
Boxes, bags, limbs et al, we should be in the new home this coming Sunday.
The gory moving pictures are to follow. Watch this space.