(the artiste formerly known as *45 Minutes To Forever*)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Under the Over

I (foolishly) thought that I was the only one in the Universe who had given much thought to the subject of the appropriate way to hang a roll of toilet tissue, but as it turns out, there have been many before me (Treehugger) and it looks like there will be several after! They even get quite judgmental about it going as far as calling one method Good and the other Bad. Who would've thought?! In my book, I agree with the Treehugger people, and it does bother my soul when Dot puts the roll on the Bad way. Naughty Dot.

So, which way do you roll?

Over or Under?
Don't really give a s#%t
pollcode.com free polls
(Image courtesy: Treehugger)

1 comment:

Ajith Alexander said...

i am VERY disappointed to hear that you are an over-roller. I think this method is sick and wrong.

Under-rolling is obviously better because when you need to rip it off, you get the rest of the roll to give you leverage as you tug, minimizing the effort and number of fingers required to rip off the sheets.

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