This morning, I got into the bus at my usual stop, and I spotted the only empty seat, next to this girl I've seen on the bus before. She is most definitely from the subcontinent, and, most likely, Indian. I went over and thought, "this is good - finding a seat and seizing an opportunity to make a new friend - well done me!". I smiled warmly and she did smile back - great start. She began to look away, outside the window. I was killing myself trying to think of something to say to break the ice and then I spotted the perfect pretext to chat. She was carrying a beautiful dark red leather bag - the one I've known to be available in handicraft shops or the likes of Delhi and Calcutta; the ones printed with flowers or a pattern of some sort, with contrasting colours. It did look absolutely lovely.
The conversation went something like this:
Me (Saying): That's a beautiful bag you have there
Girl (Saying): Thank you, it is from Australia".
Me (Thinking): Score! We have Australia in common! This is going remarkably well!
Me (Saying): Wow - it really is lovely!
Girl (Half-smiling, turning to look outside the window, and probably thinking): I love my bag. I am so cool.
Me (Thinking): Uh oh! She's probably a woman of few words. She didn't say anything further so there go my chances of Australia bonding.
Me (Saying): Erm....did you buy it here or online, or in Australia?
Girl (Not smiling and saying): No. It was a gift from Australia.
She then proceeded to clutch her bag really tight and physically turn to the window to reinforce the message. I was left feeling like a right numpty!
Girl (Probably thinking): That'll teach me to smile at strangers!