(the artiste formerly known as *45 Minutes To Forever*)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank You, Internet

So, this post was conceived at 10pm tonight, when I was faced a washer/dryer whose drum didn't empty, there was a less than pleasant smell emanating from the rolling drum and the fabric softener refused to leave the dispenser. I was faced with the prospect of calling out a Hoover engineer at 110 quid a pop and sacrificing a day's holiday waiting for him/her, or I could, in true British spirit, do it myself. And whom did I turn to in my moment of despair? You guessed it, the Internet. A few mouseclicks later I discovered horrible reviews for my make/model of washer/dryer (where were they when I was making my purchse two years ago?) and, wonder of wonders, someone very kindly explaining that one of the reasons for my problem could be a clogged drain pump filter, which was fixable. Wet, smelly and messy, but easily fixable. So there, on the kitchen floor, on all fours, with my face close to the floor peering into the filter, while trying not to gag on the smell and trying to keep my knees dry, I thought, "whatever would I do without/did I do before the Internet"?

Dear Internet, 

Thank you for everything. 

I've turned to you to look up universities to do a postgraduate degree, read reviews about washer/dryers, find a recipe for Kerala naadan* meen** curry, find love, keep love, buy car insurance, buy shoes, find a home to rent, find a home to buy, buy air tickets, book holidays, do my weekly groceries, look for a car, talk to friends and family across continents, look up exam results, book my driving test, book visa appointments, buy postage, change my reading habit, for Kazaa and Napster, to start and keep a journal, buy clothes, donate to charity, send birthday cards and flowers, decorate my home, find out what that beautiful plant growing by the side of the road is called, get my fix of the news, share mine and learn from the thoughts/experiences of others on forums, aid my clock-watching on a slow Friday afternoon at work, and find step-by-step instructions on how to clean the filter of a washer/dryer, among millions of other things I simply cannot remember. 

You took my life and turned it on its head, and things have never been any more complicated than getting on Google, since.

Thank you for it all. 

P.S. The washer/dryer has been fixed and will be tested tomorrow morning (because I really don't want to walk downstairs to a flooded/smelly kitchen, first thing in the morning) - watch this space. 

*naadan - from the country or traditional (so I am told)
**meen - fish (so I know)


Me said...

* LIKE *

thepianistmom said...

Hi Faye. An on and off lurker here wondering if your significant other is someone I know from a long time ago? Is his moms initials E.A? If it is, she is someone I used to adore when I was a kid, and I recently heard something about her that made me very sad. Sorry to post this here, but didnt know how else to ask you this? Email me please?

~j~ said...

Oh! Totally agree with you! But you know, I'm so glad we're the generation that's seen the before and after of most things - Internet (+ Facebook etc), cell phones being case in point.

Sigh! Now I sound old.

fortyfiveminutes said...

@Me - Thank you :)
@Smitha - Thanks for stopping by. I'm afraid I don't seem have an address I can send you a message to. So, if you read this, let me know how I can get in touch.
@J - Yes, you do, but there's nothing wrong in a little bit of "those were the days" magic, I tell you!

Anonymous said...

Faye, sorry, I thought you could see the email address I had to put in when I commented. Its smithanair11@yahoo.com. SMITHA

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