I've been terribly tardy (as always) with updating this blog and now that the wedding's a week away, like dot says, I owe it to my blog audience; so here goes.
I think I can safely say at this point that everything major has been taken care of and the minor things are 98% complete. I've got a salon appointment on the 22nd and we leave for Kochi on the 23rd by the Nethravati Express; 30 hours of nothing much to do. My entire khaandaan is travelling together, and so it should be good. I also will take a book along. I have decided to not do any giveaways for the Mumbai reception. It's just too much hassle and quite a waste. What we are doing is a guestbook and I hope to send 'Thank You' notes with a photograph after the wedding. That'd be a nice gesture methinks.
I had my last trial for the Mumbai reception outfit yesterday and it went well; you'll know what it is when you see it :) Poor dot has been running around like crazy with mummy and now daddy getting everything in Kochi organized. I have to say I am very very proud of the way he's handling all of that. Nodot, I hope you're having a good flight home while I write this.
We put up our Christmas tree and the decorations this morning. There was also the changing of curtains, tablecloths, etc., the whole before-Christmas-before-wedding circus. But I have to admit it is great fun. Mum, Dad and me are enjoying every bit of it.
Last Sunday was my first Syrian Orthodox religious experience and aside of my language difficulty, it was a breeze. I made a confession (seriously!) and received Holy Communion. I'm glad I got it done here, as a backup, just in case the train is delayed and we couldn't do it in Kochi on Christmas day.
Reuben came over the day before and brought us wedding gifts. He actually went and got the monogram on the invitation card to be embroidered onto two bathrobes for dot and me and even got us coordinated towels with our names on them! I thought it was a lovely gesture and I am very very touched. I also received wedding greetings from Princy and Aunty Matty. I must remember to take them along so dot can have a look at them - it *is* his wedding too you know! ;)
Anyway, I've got to take a trip down to the store for some sticky tape. I will try (only try) to update this tomorrow, though I doubt there will be much.
Home is where your folks are
6 years ago